Phoenix LiteOS 10 Pro Plus – Windows 10 v22H2 Build 19045.2075
Tải xuống Phoenix LiteOS 10 Pro Plus là bản dựng Windows 10 v22H2 Build 19045.2075 được tuỳ biến và tối ưu hoá cho máy cấu hình thấp hoặc chơi game.

➡️ 4 GB Installed Size!
➡️ Multi Language Support!
➡️ Updates Paused Until 2099!
➡️ Full Featured, Updatable Build!
➡️ Extreme Performance for your Apps and Games!
➡️ This build blends elements from our previously released Windows 10 22H2 Build
(Phoenix LiteOS 10 Pro+ 19045.1949) and our latest Windows 10 X-Lite Build!
➡️ Making this our Lightest, Best performing Windows 10 22H2 Custom Build to date!
Removed Features Include – Defender, Cortana, Smart Screen, Edge, Some UWP Apps.
Disabled Features Include – Virtual Memory, Windows Ink Workspace, Error Reporting, UAC, Ads, Telemetry, Hibernation, Power Throttling, Logging, and Download Blocking.
Performance Prioritized! – This build has been designed to Maximize Performance, Responsiveness, and Resource Savings!
➡️ Installation Instructions:
• Use Rufus ONLY to write the ISO to a USB Drive.
• Boot from the USB Drive, and Perform a Clean Installation to your desired partition.
• *Your PC Will Reboot Once, Shortly After Installation Completes.
✨ We Highly Recommend you download and install DX9 and VC++ Runtimes from our Downloads Page
✨For AMD Ryzen Powered PC’s, please download the latest Chipset Drivers from our Downloads Page
✨ Enabling Virtual Memory will help stop Apps from crashing, and improve stability. Run the included Virtual Memory Enabler App in the ‘Extras’ Folder to enable!
Download Phoenix LiteOS 10 Pro Plus – Windows 10 v22H2 Build 19045.2075
Dung lượng file là 2.5GB
- Link Mediafire : https://download.windowslite.net/12i7JoA
- Link Sendcm : https://download.windowslite.net/y8KW1r
- Link Uploadrar : https://download.windowslite.net/UPWvG
💥Password for Zip File – Phoenix